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What is the VIN query?

Here you will learn everything about the VIN Number

Josephine Kloss avatar
Written by Josephine Kloss
Updated over a week ago

By entering the vehicle identification number (VIN) when creating a vehicle in Avrios you can save a lot of time. Under this unique number, many manufacturers save the master data of a vehicle, such as the model, the fuel consumption or special equipment.

Why should I enter the VIN ?

As soon as you enter the VIN when creating a vehicle or in the vehicle master data, a query is made to this manufacturer database. We can therefore import this data automatically for you and you do not have to fill it in yourself.

Why is my vehicle identification number (VIN) not found?

From our experience, about 90% of VINs for cars can be found in the manufacturer database. For trucks and other, "special" vehicles, these data are not stored. The results of the VIN query thus depend on the manufacturer and the type of vehicle.

If your VIN is not found, you can also create the vehicle model manually and manually fill out the master data. You can still save the VIN in the VIN field.

How do I delete the VIN in case of an incorrect entry?

Did you enter your VIN incorrectly? Please contact us as you can not delete it yourself.

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